Returning a Value Object From a ColdFusion Query to Flex

I dig the way Flex can pass a Value Object to ColdFusion, I doubly dig the way ColdFusion can pass a Value Object back to Flex. What I wanted amongst all this digging was to run a query in a cfc and convert the result of that query into a value object to return to Flex.

Heres an example of how to do this, picture the scene…. The skies are blue and the sea is lapping around your feet, from out of the water comes a fine lookin’ life guard with a her user id, now you want all her details.

Serious now, Flex passes a user_id to a cfc method, the cfc then runs a query, converts the result to a value object (userVO) which it then returns to Flex!

ColdFusion Code

P.S. If anyone could suggest a plugin for wordpress which can display ColdFusion code please suggest, I use iG:Syntax Hiliter and have trouble with CF and XML for some reason???
