I am a frontend developer and author based in the UK, specializing in JavaScript development and application architecture. I founded Newtriks Ltd. and have been remotely contracting for the last 10 years for global corporations and venture-backed start-ups. I regularly consult Angular, Backbone, and React, and train programmers in test-driven development. I'm an enthusiastic open source contributor and am the cofounder and lead developer of the live webcasting platform Sayansho Ltd. Please contact me to discuss your specific business requirements.
Module Loading in a PureMVC Pipe Application
Since the PureMVCPipes Utility was released I have been trying to find the best and most comfortable way for me to load and unload Modules in the main Shell application. A couple of things pertinent to my method of development:
+ Looking at the kind of builds that I would utilise the MultiCore framework, most would load multiple single instances of modules.
+ I prefer to reference as little of the framework or Pipe logic as possible in the main application Shell and defer this to the Application Mediator.
+ I want the code structured in a manner that adding future modules will take the minimum time possible.
With these points in mind I opted for (a) the IModuleInfo as the handle for the modules and (b) the ModuleManager for loading and unloading of the modules. Heres how:
+ Container to load a module into
<mx:HBox id="moduleContainer"/>
Click event on a button to load a particular module
click="loadModule( VIDEO_MODULE )"
Load module method
* Button clicked to either load or unload a module.
* String passed with the name of the module to load.
* Determine if this module has been loaded then
* load or unload accrodingly...
public static const VIDEO_MODULE_URL:String = "VideoModule.swf";
private function loadModule( module:String ):void
switch ( module )
if( !_video || !_video.loaded )
_video = ModuleManager.getModule( VIDEO_MODULE_URL );
_video.addEventListener( ModuleEvent.READY, onModuleReady );
_video.addEventListener( ModuleEvent.UNLOAD, onModuleUnload );
Module ready method fired from ModuleEvent.READY
* Module loaded succesfully, create a reference to the loaded instance
* type casting to the appropriate Module Class. Create a new instance
* of our custom (Add) Event class passing the module instance type casted
* to DisplayObject. DispatchEvent to ApplicationMediator to load into
* moduleContainer and set up within the rest of the framework...
private function onModuleReady( e:ModuleEvent ):void
var event:AddModuleEvent;
switch ( e.module )
case _video:
video_instance = _video.factory.create() as VideoModule;
event = new AddModuleEvent( video_instance as DisplayObject );
dispatchEvent( event );
_video.removeEventListener( ModuleEvent.READY, onModuleReady );
Module unload method fired from ModuleEvent.UNLOAD
* Module unloaded succesfully, Create a new instance of our custom
* (Remove) Event class passing the module instance type casted to
* DisplayObject. DispatchEvent to ApplicationMediator to unload from
* moduleContainer and remove from the rest of the framework using Garbage
* Collection...
private function onModuleUnload( e:ModuleEvent ):void
var event:RemoveModuleEvent;
switch ( e.module )
case _video:
event = new RemoveModuleEvent( video_instance as DisplayObject );
dispatchEvent( event );
_video.removeEventListener( ModuleEvent.UNLOAD, onModuleUnload );
On dispatching custom add/remove module Events these methods are fired in the ApplicationMediator
private function onModuleAdd( e:AddModuleEvent ):void
app.moduleContainer.addChild( e.component );
var module:IPipeAwareModule = e.component as IPipeAwareModule;
sendNotification( ApplicationFacade.MODULE_ADDED, module );
private function onModuleRemove( e:RemoveModuleEvent ):void
sendNotification( ApplicationFacade.MODULE_REMOVED );
IPipeAwareModule( e.component ).garbageCollection();
app.moduleContainer.removeChild( e.component );
I would like to hear how others are handling this :)